Stock, Price & Store Settings
Customise Your Store

Store merchants in a wide range of industries will have different requirement for stock management. B2B Commerce offers flexibility to cater for most common scenarios.
A store vendor may choose to use store stock as the following:
- Stock on hand (how many items are at your physical location)
- Stock available (how many items are in stock less on order)
To allow for appropriate ordering, a vendor may show stock as:
- No stock (always available)
- Exact stock amount (limit orders to the displayed stock limit)
- Exact stock amount (but also allow for back orders)
- Always in stock (always allow for orders, regardless of stock)
Allow users to see which items are out of stock/on backorder so customers can manage their product holdings better.
As a merchant, you may choose to allow backorders or not, and if allowed, personalise a comment on the product line item, e.g “Backorder lead times are 2-4 weeks” or similar.
At the point of customer cart checkout, you may set the store to handle a Purchase Order number as follows:
- Optional
- Required
- Hidden (not required)
The Purchase Order number is typically added to the customer/reference number on a sales document when raised in your accounting software.
Choose from a number of defined deliver methods, add free shipping threshold, base rate and use the following calculation methods to create one or more delivery options:
- Weight based (rate per Kilo)
- % Value of cart
- Item-based (rate per item)
- Fixed Cost
- Collection