Integrated eCommerce

What software can sync IQ Retail with Shopify to automate my store?

The number one integration software for Shopify stores using IQ Retail

We’re seeing the B2B (business to business) world continually changing and in numerous ways turning out to be more similar to the B2C (business to shopper) world. The B2B client is currently wanting considerably more of a B2C-like purchasing experience, yet what are a portion of the primary distinctions somewhere in the range of B2B and B2C?

What is a Shopify integration with IQ Retail using

Increasingly more B2B stages are offering an encounter like that of an Amazon-like shopping experience, offering their clients simple to-utilize elements, for example, search capacities and the capacity to apply rebate codes at checkout. However, the B2B world has undeniably more inside and out prerequisites than that of the B2C world, for example, the requirement for the capacity to oversee complex evaluating, multi-stockroom stock assignment, and progressed item setup orders. All of these necessities should be accessible progressively, and from one single wellspring of truth, the organization’s ERP.

How does sync or integrate my IQ Retail ERP with Shopify?

Thus, on the off chance that you’re thinking about a computerized B2B stage, it’s vital to pick an eCommerce stage supplier who spends significant time in the intricacies of B2B, to assist with building your foundation reproduced from your ERP. Numerous B2C eCommerce stage suppliers will guarantee that they can convey you a B2B stage by adjusting the diagram of a B2C stage, making a couple of customizations, and will let you know that B2B and B2C are comparative. In any case, as a general rule, this will create some issues in the not too distant future, because of the idea of B2B.

Automate sales, IQ Retail integration for WooCommerce with has practical experience in building both B2B and B2C eCommerce stages. Our eCommerce specialists comprehend the distinctions between the two and perceive that the stages require various functionalities and features. We have more than 1,000,000 remarkable clients and north of 1,000,000,000 novel exchanges, with an extraordinary history of building B2B and B2C stages. Investigate yourself and look at some of our customer examples of overcoming adversity.

Book a free consultation with today to get started with your WooCommerce integration using IQ Retail.

For more articles on how to integrate your IQ Retail software with WooCommerce/eCommerce, see below
IQ Retail integration for webstores and b2b eCommerce
IQ Retail integrated eCommerce WooCommerce Software
Using IQ Retail with b2b eCommerce Software in South Africa