Integrated eCommerce

Xero Accounting WooCommerce Integration

Sync inventory data between Xero & WooCommerce for automatic stock, price & order updates

Sage, Xero and IQ Retail Integration With WooCommerce - - Sage Integrated eCommerce Solutions

Sync Xero Accounting and WooCommerce in Minutes

Setting up Xero Accounting to sync with your WooCommerce store can be done in minutes, no expensive setup fees or complex code required.

Start syncing price, stock & orders same-day with our same-day integration turnaround promise for Xero Accounting & WooCommerce.

Inventory Stock & Price Sync from Xero Accounting to WooCommerce, save time

Integrate a live inventory feed from Xero Accounting to WooCommerce for simple automatic stock and price updates.

Time saved manually updating stock and price from Xero Accounting to WooCommerce could be spent growing your business. - Sage Integrated eCommerce Solutions - Sage Integrated eCommerce Solutions

Orders raise in Xero Accounting from WooCommerce

Orders placed online will raise automatically in Xero Accounting from WooCommerce, no manually keying in data or errors. Capturing orders manually raises the risk of errors significantly. Introduce 100% accuracy with with auto capturing of delivery address, contact details, shipping costs and delivery notes.

Why Integrate Xero Accounting and WooCommerce?

When selling online, Lots of data needs to moves between your Xero Accounting software and WooCommerce store. An integration with Xero Accounting and WooCommerce means you save on manually updating price and stock for thousands of product SKU codes, so you’ll never sell an out of stock item again, or at the wrong price!

Because its a 2-way integration between Xero Accounting and WooCommerce, orders placed online also integrate back from WooCommerce into Xero Accounting, meaning there’s no repetitive manual data capturing work!

Once your Xero Accounting username/password is set up with and Xero Accounting syncs, the following information will be available to send to and thereon to WooCommerce automatically.

  • Stock (Stock on hand minus stock on order)
  • Price list (incl. or excl. VAT)
  • VAT rates
  • Product title
  • Product description

Bringing the product data in from Xero Accounting to is the first step towards integrating with your eCommerce store.

Once this data is in, you can enrich your products with merchandising (add images, gallery images, categories, filter tags, product variables/sizes/colors and more), activate/delete products and flag products to sync to your sales channels (WooCommerce, Shopify etc).

Connecting to your WooCommerce store is as simple as copy-pasting the API keys from WooCommerce onto your account. Once completed, Merchandising data will flow from to WooCommerce/Shopify, so product merchandising, pricing & stock will update automatically.

If you have an existing WooCommerce store, and would like to integrate it with Xero Accounting data, the following modes are available:

Merchandising on – This mode is used when you want to send product and merchandising data to multiple channels (more than just one eCommerce store or a Marketplace like Amazon or eBay).

Merchandising on WooCommerce – This mode is used when you have an existing WooCommerce store and don’t plan on adding a B2B/Trade store module in the future, or integrating with other marketplaces like Amazon, or eBay. This makes for a much simpler setup process as the user does not have to copy the merchandising information from an existing eCommerce store into

Upon an order being placed on WooCommerce, is notified and the order is raised consequently in Sage 200 Evolution. You can determine what order type/document type is raised in Sage 200 Evolution (Invoice, Sales Order or Quote) based on the payment method type (i.e payment gateway or cash type order), and if the payment was successful or not (for payment gateway orders only).

Order information raised in Sage 200 Evolution contains the following:

  • Sales channel order reference number
  • Delivery address
  • Billing address
  • Customer details (name, contact number, email)
  • Order line items
  • Item prices + VAT
  • Item discount % per line item (discount is worked out as a percentage of sale price vs ERP price). All discounts/offers are managed on your eCommerce platform.
  • Order comments
  • All orders syncing from WooCommerce to Sage 200 Evolution may contain a prefix that you define, like “WOO”0018443 – this helps identify the order at a glance.
Accounting Software to eCommerce Website Integration via

Other FAQs

Yes, you may have as many sales channels as you like. Each sales channel will accrue an additional connector cost. Each Sales Channel will feed off the same Xero Accounting data.

You can not link multiple instances of Xero Accounting to under one profile, but you may register a new account with and link it.

All your orders will be saved in the cloud, and as soon as a connection is re-established with Xero Accounting, your orders will populate automatically.

You may only send one warehouse data set to your WooCommerce store from Xero Accounting. If you need to aggregate the stock from multiple warehouses and display it on one WooCommerce store, you will need to create a master warehouse in Xero Accounting and aggregate the stock there before sending it to

All your orders will be saved in the cloud, and as soon as a connection is re-established with Xero Accounting, your orders will propagate automatically.

Can I add a B2B/Trade store sales channel linked to Xero Accounting if I set up my account in “retail” store mode only?

Yes, you can change the setting from “Retail only” to “B2B & Retail” or “B2B only” and your customer data with multiple pricelists will sync from Xero Accounting to enable B2B functionality.

If you change your ERP/Accounting system, you will need to register a new account and configure it with the new ERP details. It’s easy to export all your merchandising data from one account to another via CSV as all the merchandising information will be preserved.

The billing run commences on or as near to the 28th as possible of every month. This means that your account will be billed from the next 28th payment cycle. Note, that billing does NOT commence only when your website is live, as that is not the function of, or in the domain of

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Vivamus aliquam mollis augue, hendrerit luctus velit pharetra non. Proin vehicula gravida nulla ac mollis. Sed accumsan posuere nisi ut faucibus. Fusce sit amet velit arcu. Curabitur dapibus vestibulum diam, ac aliquet nulla aliquam ac. Sed nec tempus quam. Aliquam accumsan id quam nec lobortis.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur malesuada mattis quam, ut rhoncus orci volutpat ac. Ut sed erat ut turpis tincidunt efficitur ut quis odio. Duis dictum purus non urna laoreet, at tincidunt nulla volutpat. Mauris vel varius urna, id tincidunt ipsum. Aliquam sit amet pellentesque velit, et ornare augue.

Vivamus aliquam mollis augue, hendrerit luctus velit pharetra non. Proin vehicula gravida nulla ac mollis. Sed accumsan posuere nisi ut faucibus. Fusce sit amet velit arcu. Curabitur dapibus vestibulum diam, ac aliquet nulla aliquam ac. Sed nec tempus quam. Aliquam accumsan id quam nec lobortis.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur malesuada mattis quam, ut rhoncus orci volutpat ac. Ut sed erat ut turpis tincidunt efficitur ut quis odio. Duis dictum purus non urna laoreet, at tincidunt nulla volutpat. Mauris vel varius urna, id tincidunt ipsum. Aliquam sit amet pellentesque velit, et ornare augue.

Vivamus aliquam mollis augue, hendrerit luctus velit pharetra non. Proin vehicula gravida nulla ac mollis. Sed accumsan posuere nisi ut faucibus. Fusce sit amet velit arcu. Curabitur dapibus vestibulum diam, ac aliquet nulla aliquam ac. Sed nec tempus quam. Aliquam accumsan id quam nec lobortis.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur malesuada mattis quam, ut rhoncus orci volutpat ac. Ut sed erat ut turpis tincidunt efficitur ut quis odio. Duis dictum purus non urna laoreet, at tincidunt nulla volutpat. Mauris vel varius urna, id tincidunt ipsum. Aliquam sit amet pellentesque velit, et ornare augue.

Vivamus aliquam mollis augue, hendrerit luctus velit pharetra non. Proin vehicula gravida nulla ac mollis. Sed accumsan posuere nisi ut faucibus. Fusce sit amet velit arcu. Curabitur dapibus vestibulum diam, ac aliquet nulla aliquam ac. Sed nec tempus quam. Aliquam accumsan id quam nec lobortis.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur malesuada mattis quam, ut rhoncus orci volutpat ac. Ut sed erat ut turpis tincidunt efficitur ut quis odio. Duis dictum purus non urna laoreet, at tincidunt nulla volutpat. Mauris vel varius urna, id tincidunt ipsum. Aliquam sit amet pellentesque velit, et ornare augue.

Vivamus aliquam mollis augue, hendrerit luctus velit pharetra non. Proin vehicula gravida nulla ac mollis. Sed accumsan posuere nisi ut faucibus. Fusce sit amet velit arcu. Curabitur dapibus vestibulum diam, ac aliquet nulla aliquam ac. Sed nec tempus quam. Aliquam accumsan id quam nec lobortis.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur malesuada mattis quam, ut rhoncus orci volutpat ac. Ut sed erat ut turpis tincidunt efficitur ut quis odio. Duis dictum purus non urna laoreet, at tincidunt nulla volutpat. Mauris vel varius urna, id tincidunt ipsum. Aliquam sit amet pellentesque velit, et ornare augue.

Vivamus aliquam mollis augue, hendrerit luctus velit pharetra non. Proin vehicula gravida nulla ac mollis. Sed accumsan posuere nisi ut faucibus. Fusce sit amet velit arcu. Curabitur dapibus vestibulum diam, ac aliquet nulla aliquam ac. Sed nec tempus quam. Aliquam accumsan id quam nec lobortis.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur malesuada mattis quam, ut rhoncus orci volutpat ac. Ut sed erat ut turpis tincidunt efficitur ut quis odio. Duis dictum purus non urna laoreet, at tincidunt nulla volutpat. Mauris vel varius urna, id tincidunt ipsum. Aliquam sit amet pellentesque velit, et ornare augue.

Vivamus aliquam mollis augue, hendrerit luctus velit pharetra non. Proin vehicula gravida nulla ac mollis. Sed accumsan posuere nisi ut faucibus. Fusce sit amet velit arcu. Curabitur dapibus vestibulum diam, ac aliquet nulla aliquam ac. Sed nec tempus quam. Aliquam accumsan id quam nec lobortis.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur malesuada mattis quam, ut rhoncus orci volutpat ac. Ut sed erat ut turpis tincidunt efficitur ut quis odio. Duis dictum purus non urna laoreet, at tincidunt nulla volutpat. Mauris vel varius urna, id tincidunt ipsum. Aliquam sit amet pellentesque velit, et ornare augue.

Vivamus aliquam mollis augue, hendrerit luctus velit pharetra non. Proin vehicula gravida nulla ac mollis. Sed accumsan posuere nisi ut faucibus. Fusce sit amet velit arcu. Curabitur dapibus vestibulum diam, ac aliquet nulla aliquam ac. Sed nec tempus quam. Aliquam accumsan id quam nec lobortis.

INTEGRATE Xero & Your WooCommerce Store Today With offers the easiest, ‘quick to implement’ and advanced B2B Wholesale eCommerce and retail Xero integration to WooCommerce, Shopify and more.