Integrate Sage Business Cloud with WooCommerce
Sync price, stock and orders between Sage Business Cloud and WooCommerce in South Africa. No more manual data capturing necessary.
Integrate Sage Business Cloud and WooCommerce to fully automate your store. Add B2B Wholesale Commerce easily for on-account ordering.
Same-day, FREE setup!
Why choose for Sage Business Cloud to WooCommerce integration in South Africa?
Sage Business Cloud Integration with WooCommerce
- Fast sync install
- No down time during connection phase
- Stable sync
- Greater accuracy for better stock control
- Sync invoices or sales orders instantly
- Enhanced customer shopping experience
- Telephonic and email support
Automate and let Storehub do the heavy lifting
Sync Stock
Sync Prices
Sync Orders
Sync Customers
Simplified WooCommerce Integration
with Storehub
Sync the following information from Sage Business Cloud to WooCommerce in South Africa:
- Inventory stock level (1 or more warehouse)
- Inventory price
- Inventory tax rates per item
- Product title
- Unit of measure
- Product image
Sync the following order information from WooCommerce to Sage Business Cloud:
- Delivery address
- Order line items & quantity
- Order line item discounts calculated as a %
- Shipping cost
- Customer information
Telephonic Support
Over 1 Million Orders
We deliver
Exceptional Services
Live Stock Updates
With real-time stock updates, you can eliminate inventory nightmares, discrepancies, and headaches, ensuring accurate and seamless inventory management.
Live Price Updates
Live automatic price updates directly from Sage, work with a single master point of entry, no need to manually update WooCommerce
Live Order Capture
Automate orders, raise invoices, sales orders, quotes instantly. Streamline your processes, reduce manual input, and ensure greater accuracy in every order.
Add B2B to your B2C store
Looking to take your wholesale business to the next level? Storehub offers a Wholesale and B2B solutions for any business size