Integrated eCommerce

Integrate Sage 50 with Shopify: Best way to do it?

Integrating Sage 50 with Shopify can be tricky. Here are 3 easy steps to integrate Sage 50 and Shopify.

When integrating with Sage 50 Accounting to any other third party system like Shopify, its important to note that you need to have installed the Sage 50 SDK which can be purchased from Sage as an add-on or included in your annual license.

The SDK is the module that allows other software systems like or Shopify to communicate with Sage 50 in an effective, safe way, so that your database and data remains secure and intact. Your Sage Business Partner or consultant should be able to easily install the SDK module in minutes with the appropriate license key.

Step 1: Install the sync tool on your Sage 50 server (cloud hosted or desktop)

Installing the Sage 50 integration module is a simple affair. Log on to and download the appropriate sync tool and run it on your Sage 50 Accounting server. Ensure that the app has permissions from any firewalls or anti virus software to run so that its performance is not interrupted which will affect the sync between your Sage 50 accounting software and WooCommerce store.

In the sync app, all you need to enter is your Sage 50 database path, and all the stock, price and customer information will sync through to automatically.

Step 2: To set up the Sage 50 Accounting to Shopify integration, configure Shopify as follows

Setting up your account to sync with Shopify is easy. This sync pushes data from Sage 50 through to Shopify on a scheduled interval. This sync takes place ever 2 minutes or less and will update the price and stock on Shopify, and any orders placed on Shopify will be written back to Sage 50 Accounting.

On you need to define:

  • Are your products being sold on Shopify inclusive or Exclusive of tax?
  • Are you holding stock? If so, are you going to push stock from Sage 50 to WooCommerce that takes into consideration how many items are on backorder or sales order? Or just show the available stock on hand?
  • Do you want to manage your product merchandising on or if its an existing operating Shopify store, continue doing the merchandising on Shopify? If done on Shopify, will JUST be used to sync stock, price and also orders back to Sage 50 from Shopify.
Once you’ve definted the above, you’ll need to link up your WooCommerce account to

Sync Shopify with and Sage 50 Accounting data

In order to link WooCommerce with Sage 50 Accounting, we need to link Shopify with

  • Log into Shopify and go to “Add new app” and then select “custom app/non marketplace app” and select the following as “allow access”: Orders, Products, Product interface
  • Shopify will then generate an API key once all the settings have been confirmed, which you copy-paste onto
  • You’re now ready to sync stock, price and receive orders from Shopify, that was easy!
  • You may also define which warehouse, pricelist and tax rates get pushed to your Shopify store.

Keen to get integrating your Sage 50 with Shopify using Click on the button below to start your integration process FOR FREE (no setup costs at all).